The Ventriloquist Dummies

Marcelo Rayel Correggiari
5 min readAug 14, 2020


A plate in white at a mid length public light post which is written, in black, the word internet; a blue sky behind; tree top

“Who’s your daddy?!”.

Life at all shouldn’t be that, but… in fact… it is, no matter if we like it or not. Money instead of belief and faith, or any other connection regarded as belonging to the super-the-natural state of anything. No chance: the god now is the money! End of talk.

In the name of money… or wealth, — considering just long terms at all — the most sordid barbarisms were normalised. Everything well hid, as a matter of fact, by inappropriate amounts of ostentation and show-off as this new god to be praised. Under that bridge, the dirtiest and the most putrid water never seen before run wild, a horrible smell reaching everyone’s nose, but everybody behaving like no river was running down there.

We never know exactly when everything started to come about. According to Yuval Noah Harari, the end of the hunter-gatherers is a very nice clue to the fact the world could never be the same beyond The Agricultural Revolution. It happens. It happens most of the time: I am what I own in the place of I am what I am. The status is a feature which drives mindsets and mentalities to the point of no return regarding expected kind and gentleness at last. The more we say it will be never a matter of money, the less adeptes join the fold.

As anyone grows old, the tiredness comes upon. There is a day we give everything up. We need it — the money — and that’s all. Of couse we don’t get so easily into the realm of indignity just because the bills are always around to steal our homes. However, any other extreme can be a hell of a devil’s opus. We’re truly made of staying at the beach all day long, having enough food and drink, and a comfortable place to live: some concerns eat us up like rust, and such worries can never become the best of counsellings.

That’s life.

As mentioned before, to comprehend is not corroborate.

Surely we understand people who gave in to that devil’s call. It’s not a matter of I know what’s best for my life, but I had no other way under those circumstances. If these circumstances couldn’t be avoided due to lack of money, for instance, anyone can see him or herself encumbered by some hellish details far from any possible thought or image.

This is the birth of the dummies. There are so many of them in the way if you want to change your career or pursue 80 porcent of the truth: treacherous and appalling concomitantly. The hinderance comes first by that smoke screen under the name of conspiracy, “The lad is mental”, or some subtle techniques to unauthorise someone close to the integrity of what’s really behind something. That pursue goes on, and the attacks become harder: false flags, hoaxes and a parade of bended truth ensuing the reputation ruin of the denouncer.

A tiring procedure, by the way, but working wonderfully these days.

What is requested from the dummies is their power of becoming echo chambers. They don’t have a voice themselves: they work like speakers, amplifying what was said or trying to take someone’s attetion away from what is relevant, de facto. They can use words, no doubt about it, but to hide someone’s deeds which can be found very inhuman or non-republican. It is said what these dummies are supposed to replicate, and they go on ad nauseam until the world falls down… like a ventriloquist.

Remember they’ve got no voice themselves; and most of them are on someone’s payroll, believe it or not.

Sometimes, the trade takes place upon money; in other situations, the dossiers speak up. You need to be immaculate in private fields to parry all sorts of harassment they bring — the dossiers. Plenty of public companies and assets are privatised by such eloquent exposition of MPs, congressmen… politicians in general eventually caught here & there doing something bad or wrong, harmful. It’s been always the same: huge corporations with a dossier in one hand, a gun aimed at a representative in the other, and those lovely final words, Passe me the sewage company, motherf…

The ventriloquist dummies are the trace capitalism should be called by any other name, but not this one we’re used to. What we face today cannot be called by this name at all because what we deal with now is far from being capitalism in essence. It’s something else, and seeking for an appropriate noun. Ventriloquist dummies bring to light who has been their daddies: the corporations propelling the end of opponents. Maybe the capitalism’s spirit & philosophy these days are of a self-cleaning oven: the task of klling one each other in higher levels as a way to clear the aisle takes on without any special chemical or the pressing of a button.

Swiss Kiss, for example, was discontinued so many times in his efforts to bring to the public the third layer list of the CC5 accounts by part of the mass media. Bloggers and supposed independent journalists were also part of it: the aim was clearly disallowing him to keep on pushing that issue. This type of ventriloquist dummy seems to be the most dangerous one: he or she talks to millions, trying to mould old Banestado scandal into oblivion.

In this case, the journalists say he or she fights for democracy and civil rights — an excellent reason for not bringing ghosts like the CC5 accounts back to life — and the audience pretends to believe he or she’s telling the truth.

You pretend you tell the truth… and we pretend we believe it. Simple as that.

However, these ventriloquist dummies — part of the press aligned with a specific politician or party, and acting like a private — can be found in other areas, as aforementioned: in a pandemic, for example, a small group of physicians who enjoyed a fantastic summer cruise at the expenses of the Big Pharma may never publicise the correct drug and therapy had been always there, and so many lives could have been saved at the end of the cicle.

The Power: turning noble endeavours towards equality into a piece & component of the social engineering machine for opportune manipulation.

Power, Corruption and Lies: New Order’s second album, and viciously beneath the social fabric.



Marcelo Rayel Correggiari
Marcelo Rayel Correggiari

Written by Marcelo Rayel Correggiari

Novelist & translator, author of “Areias Lunares” (short-story reunion) and “O Verão no Café Atlântico” (novel.) Blogger & columnist. From/In Santos, Brazil.

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