The lie as a nature
How does a lie work ?!

Very simple: imagine a death squad, within any repulsive bourne, after three children ducked in the basement of your house. If that squad knocks on your door and asks if they are in your residence, it is quite obvious, and naturally comprehensible, that you’re going to lie.
Therefore, it seems good not to come with that very wasted Kant’s Categorical Imperative about this assumption. The lie, in this case, is not the afternoon main event of the local sports festival: the preservation of life is. Purpose matters. If you bear this preservation of life in mind, you will understand the lie you will tell shamelessly to the bloodthirsty members of that feared and treacherous death squad at your front porch.
After all, Kant was not the quickest of cats of all times: he lacked some proficiency around the pertinent core of his own premises. If someone is pushed — by any reason — to talk about the nature of lying, forget Kant: a lie is an effect whose cause needs — in a great deal — monumental amounts of understanding of what could be called the soul’s saunters.
Having said that, Immanuel can be the perfect lad for nice chats along mid-afternoon coffee-breaks, but maybe quite inappropriate for Fridays’ happy hour booze.
Much of the personal onslaughts aimed at Swiss Kiss stemmed from his defiant stance on the ways in which part of the alternative media journalists who worked in Brazil was financed. The always missed journalist The Sharp, whose death is immersed in mystery until today, used to draw the attention of more attentive eyes and ears about colleagues who had financial support from market sharks bred in very unorthodox methods.
That was the case of The Twist who, according to what The Sharp used to say, was one of The Banker’s media end. His publishing house, in fact, had some indirect connections with The Banker’s financial span and that alone put him under enormous suspicion as to which sides of the table he operated for. During The Swarf’s presidential terms, The Twist was a staunch critic and presumptuous revealer of so many ailments produced by the party’s high shelves, including also those very close to the Head of State. He even published a book reporting the dark side of the moon brought about by the workers’ party backstage moves towards political alliances of a unique heterodoxy, as well as an unspeakable power allotment to their protégés.
Out of the blue, the sudden change: The Twist created a live web broadcast channel to defend progressive agenda. Very strange, indeed. However, not that surprising for anyone who — as mentioned above — knew the underworld of power. The light shed by The Sharp on the forms of funding for the work of those journalists left little doubt that the press would also work to fully blow the sails of hybrid war.
Swiss Kiss’ denouncing attitude was perhaps what most infuriated The Twist those days, but nothing compared to another later-on indie journalist who had been the country’s second most important TV news anchor: Strazzacapa simply ranted at any express-o-naut or Double Express guest especially on social media. He was easily deemed irascible every time he needed to cope with activists matching the start of his backing democracy video streaming channel to a possible infiltration into left and far-left rows: something that raised blatant suspicion he would be on The Banker’s payroll.
The hybrid war appropriate operation may demand former right-wing partisans to turn into the most venturesome far-left marxists just for the sake of preserving the excellence in someone else’s business. The most mind-blowing of this all was how the left welcomed people who helped to sack the former president along with the impeachment’s congress rites by articulating the mass media under demonization methods against the party in power for 14 years.
As Swiss Kiss was letting the Banestado third layer lists fade away — enlightening his audience about the news scantness of that scandal in the normal press due to journalists operating for big sharks by having their own personal slush funds — more gaslighting was thrown at him on the grounds that he frequently had tantrums whenever foiled by any of his supposed thesis. The Swiss Kinky, like many used to say. The fact was that the nearly exiled lad in Switzerland had nailed it: a good deal of journalism was not doing the expected job of going after the truth, but crystal clear operating for third parties.
That issue itself would no longer be one more show of bravado from both sides if he didn’t mention the infamous Umbrella Deal signed during former president Flamboyant’s term in the mid-1990s.
To quote The Umbrella Deal for a vast majority of Brazilian politicians could almost be seen as a death sentence.
The Umbrella Deal is a common umbrella agreement sometimes found in the business world: such covenant is regarded as natural, even expected, in terms of corporate measures. However, when it comes to any transnational transaction grounds — the commitment of an entire nation — it would be wiser to check if everybody goes for that indeed.
What happened in Brazil was the transnational finance choosing The Banker to be the local operator. The aim was very clear: the transfer of all national assets under governmental control. Everything needed to be privatised: telephone services, education, health, petrol companies, banks… the agenda should be followed by any leader onwards. For decades, even left and far-left politicians, in the name of a better future for the people and economic foundations aligned with the best practice of international monetary conceptions, never questioned or tried to re-establish other terms for such deal. Even in their hands, the country just grew poor, unemployment rates reached the exosphere and labour rights were erased slowly just for the sake of carrying out the agreement.
The Recruiter, then, was called for the line-up as the deal guarantor. He was one of The Swarf’s chief officers for the Secretary of Strategic Affairs almost ten years after he signed The Umbrella Deal with The Banker and The Flamboyant. No one in the country would surely dare to perpend if his position at that time was just to observe the ample Deal fulfilment. Egressed from one of the famous Ivy League law schools in the 1970’s, the rumours about him was that he became the Brazilian arm of The Organism’s recruitment: no other president below the Ecuador line — in The Recruiter’s case, the Portuguese America — would challenge not to toe the line in regard with any other demand from the transnational finance.
The roots, however, seemed to be deeper and deeper as he became also the main advisor of an everlasting presidential candidate who also attended some lectures in the same American university The Recruiter had become a professor, The Scold.
What was that agenda all about?
By percolating gaps and rifts left by the human’s ambition of power and wealth, the purpose of working that agenda out — The Umbrella Deal is just a chapter of it — is the end of the nations. The local oligarchy’s kidnapping by dossiercracy is the kick-off to reduce the State power over economy and seep out the public money into very private drains. Sooner, no country would be allowed to take part in any company, or use the revenue to become partner in any enterprise which could promote the taxpayers social rescue through the opening of more work vacancies. It was presumed that no further debate should be a mandatory when all liabilities were to be charged to the vast majority of the middle and low class population.
That was Swiss Kiss struggle: stop the loot of his homeland, especially by the hands of those who were expected to avoid it.
His methods were far from being that good indeed, but most of the broadcast hacking storms his web show was facing twice a week added to the personal gaslighting other journalists were setting upon him were completely over-the-top.
Maybe he was in excess… maybe hitting the nail that shouldn’t be hit.
In the southernmost seas, the nature of a lie can work the miracle of dehydrating someone who’s not interested in keeping the silence nearby.
In the southernmost seas, silence can replace elimination.